Fabbula is the co-producer of Donna Haraway: Storytelling for Earthly Survival, a documentary by Fabrizio Terranova with Donna Haraway.
This printed publication is dedicated to the emergent field of artistic VR.
DCT DCT:SYPHONING is part of the Ecology of Compression Complexities (2017), a transmission ecology in which different signals connect to each other.
“A type of narration that enables one to unfold new worlds through arousing an appetite for what’s possible ” by Fabrizio Terranova
the mental operation by a reader or spectator of a work of fiction who accepts, while he consults the work, to put his scepticism aside
Agency. In philosophy and sociology, Agency is a being’s faculty of independent choice and action on its environement
In the context of VR, photogrammetry is experiencing a kind of boom. Originally a technical way to make measurements from photographs, the technology is now in everyobodies hands, allowing us to create our own virtual realities.
360°, three digits for an angle that isn’t anymore.
Vincent Ravalec is an award winning writer, cinematographer hailing from France.
There was a time a search for “Oculus” would lead to ancient Greece, architectural viewholes and various creations of the mind….
French poet Antonin Artaud was the first person to write “Virtual Reality” in his essay The Theatre and its Double. Here is the original text.
The art of sensory combinations in Virtual Reality
If you could see the world through the eyes of another, could we make a better world to live in?
Fictional Universes, where stories “no longer appear like a whole to receive, but like an area to explore”
Daniel Ernst is the creator of the Shoebox Dioramas, a collection of stunning VR works about to be complete with…