Devenirs Terrestres

“Devenirs Terrestres” is a series of events to immerse ourselves into possible futures. Its programme of performances, talks, projections and workshops expose the power of new technologies like virtual reality, cyborg design and other areas of digital magic to tell powerful new stories, possibly reconnecting with a possible earthly survival.

Virtual reality to fabulate the real

For the 2019 Nuit des Idées, Fabbula proposes Devenirs Terrestres, a program inspired by the tentacular thinking of Donna Haraway for creating earthly futures in the era of virtual reality. Projection, talks, performances, immersive installations will explore speculative narratives for new earthly connections

Detailed program

— 19:00
Donna Haraway, Storytelling for Earthly Survival – projection of the documentary film by Fabrizio Terranova

Donna Haraway became known from the 1980s through a work on identity that, breaking with prevailing trends, worked to subvert the hegemony of the male vision on nature and science. Director Fabrizio Terranova met Donna Haraway and built a unique cinematographic portrait that immerses the viewer in a world where the frontier enters science fiction and reality is blurred.
— 20:30
Counter-stories of our future.
Oral tale of Isabelle Stengers and Emilie Hermant.

Isabelle Stengers, renowned philosopher and historian of science, and Emilie Hermant, a writer concerned with the Huntington’s disease problem, both founding members of the Dingdingdong collective. They tell a cat’s cradle story of a possible earthly future, at a time of announced disasters, thus exploration how thinking and creation hold the power to heal with fabulation.
— 21:20
Immersions into the sensuous with Marshmallow Laser Feast.
Marshmallow Laser Feast comes to talk to us about symbiotic relationships with nature.

Barnaby Steel, from the Marshmallow Laser Feast Collective, will present the studio’s immersive installations in virtual reality such as Ocean of Air, In The Eyes of The Animal and Treehugger. These experiences of a new kind bring us into modified perceptions that have the power to communicate new points of view and reconnect with the earth.
— 21:50
Speculative stories – VR performance of Pastor/Placzek
Immersive performance of artists Mélanie Courtinat and Quentin Dubret of PastorPlaczek, around their ongoing work on speculative spaces and negative horizons in the era of the Anthropocene.

Fabbula is a cultural practice dedicated to immersive media (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality). We curate art shows, represent artists and advise cultural institutions.